Functional Medicine

Chiropractic Acupuncture Health Center


What is Functional Medicine:

Functional Medicine is medical practice or treatments that focus on optimal functioning of the body and its organs, usually involving systems of holistic or alternative medicine. It focuses on interactions between the environment and the gastrointestinal, endocrine, and immune systems.

Functional Medicine is a more personalized medicine that requires detailed knowledge of your medical history, your lifestyle habits, your social history.

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Functional Medicine is  another approach to finding the cause of the patient’s condition. 

How does Dr. Johnson Approach Functional Medicine in her Practice:

 We try not to look at just the signs and symptoms but consider your lifetime exposure to toxins, nutrition, stress, injury, and relationships to evaluate why you are having these signs and symptoms. This is a more personalized approach with a lengthy one on one conversation with the Doctor to discuss your health concerns and get to the root cause of why you have these health issues.  Dr. Johnson does not prescribe drugs for a “quick fix” treatment approach but focuses on the “WHY” and treatment protocol.  Due to the “Opioid Crisis”, our approach is more nutritionally based and lifestyle based, utilizing supplements and natural medicine.


What is involved with Functional Medicine Visit:

Visits are based on what the patient is looking for with each treatment.  Our clinic does not do large treatment packages.  We are a fee for service clinic.  There are several options for the patient.

Our “fee for service” visits are based on the time spent with the doctor.  Labs, supplements, and other treatments (i.e. chiropractic, acupuncture) or products are additional costs.

We will not diagnose a condition but will work to bring your health back to an optimal condition, which supports the body in a healing process.

VISITS with the Doctor:   Payment must be made prior to scheduling an appointment.  Our refund policy is at the bottom of the page

Comprehensive Consultation

1 hour: $375.00

This is a conversation with the doctor concerning your condition. A medical history will be emailed to the patient prior to the consultation. We recommend you provide any labs or diagnostic report, from another doctor, prior to the initial consultation.

At this time the doctor will discuss your concerns, ask questions, and review any lab work you may have presented before the visit. During this consultation the doctor may recommend further labs or physical exam.

Typical treatment protocols will be discussed at this time.

Further labs, supplementation, products, or other treatment recommendations are not included in the visit.

This initial consult includes two follow up emails for questions concerning the protocols.

It is recommended a follow up consultation in 4 weeks

All consults are done by zoom or phone

Intermediate Consult/ Follow up

30-40 minutes: $225.00

This visit is a conversation with the doctor,   We will discuss your health concerns, current diet or nutrition and treatment protocols. We will set up a treatment plan to reach your optimal health. Lab reviews are not included in this consultation but may be recommended after discussion.

Brief Consultation

15-25 mins $125.00 

This is a conversation with the doctor about your health diagnosis. Medical history and lab work is not presented to the doctor. The doctor will listen to your health concerns and give a recommendation of alternative treatment, testing, or answer any questions you may have on current treatments. This consultation is a brief 15-25 minute consult to ask for further recommendations on a current diagnosis from another doctor. 

Interpretation of labs only

$175 + 90 nutrition consult Total $265

This is an interpretation of the patient’s current labs taken by another doctor or on the request of ordering. The doctor will review the lab work and explain the results to the patient in a 40 minute session.

Labs must be emailed or delivered to Dr. Johnson’s office several days in advance.

Note: Treatment suggestions require an additional $90 consult fee added to the lab interpretation fee

Blood Sugar Program


This is a 10 day program where the doctor and patient work together to help reduce blood sugar level, or help jump start to a healthy diet lifestyle.  Many patients participate in this plan to lose weight.  The program lasts 10 days and it includes: the initial intake of symptoms and concerns, dietary guideline, explanation of why the diet, and the supplements.  The patient will return in 10 days for a reevaluation. From this point we will provide further guidance/tools, along with changes in the diet for a lifetime approach in blood sugar control.

Yeast Cleanse


Many patients do not respond to diets, or have conditions that are not being resolved by medications or other supplements.  Our yeast cleanse is designed to help reduce the amount of yeast in the body, so the body can absorb nutrients and work at its optimal level.  This program is a 4 week dietary change, along with supplementation to help rebuild the gut and reduce the yeast.  We will have a symptom survey or consultation prior to the visit and after the 4 week reevaluate.  Our dietary plan includes a transition into normal lifestyle and we will teach you how to eat the proper foods in all reallife situations.  This is a lifestyle change and not just a diet.

Because a significant amount of time is set aside for each patient, we require at least a 48-hour notice for cancellations of new patient appointments, in order to give us enough time to offer the appointment to another patient.
We require at least a 24-hour notice for cancellations for established patient visits. 

We will reschedule any appointment via phone, email, mail, or office visit.

The cancellation fee will be the full fee of the appointment fee.

If the cancellation is done the same day as the purchase of the program, a full fee will then be refunded.

 Please call to cancel (during office hours) the same day of purchase to receive your refund.

*Patients who no-show for a scheduled appointment will be charged the full appointment fee.


Our Regular Schedule


7:30 am - 2:30 pm

3:45 pm - 5:00 pm




7:30 am - 2:30 pm

3:45 pm - 5:00 pm




7:30 am - 2:30 pm

3:45 pm - 5:00 pm





7:30 am - 2:30 pm 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm
7:30 am - 2:30 pm 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm
7:30 am - 2:30 pm 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm


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